Data Privacy Considerations for Telehealth Consumers Amid COVID-19 Essay
Statement of The Problem
The main problem of the study is ambiguous and is hard to identify in the text. Such a situation results from mixing the persuasive argument and the issue of the study. Thus, even though the authors highlight the significance of the problem for nursing and a convincing supporting statement correctly, the problem itself is indistinct (Deatrick et al., 2010). The methods suit the research problem and contribute to gaining qualitative research results.

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Research Questions
The questions of the study are stated explicitly, undermining various aspects of the experiment. They are easy to identify and coincide with the psychological theory of the research, addressing the conceptual framework.

Literature Review
The literature review is relevant to the topic and allows the reader to learn practical information and quantitative data concerning obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and adherers and non-adherers to the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy (CPAP) (Deatrick et al., 2010). Moreover, the authors provide the literature review highlighting the absence of the issue problem under discussion, thereby providing the basis for their study.

Conceptual Underpinnings
The study is based on the psychological and social-conditioned factors of using the CPAP. The concepts are derived from the social cognitive theory and stated clearly. Moreover, the figure helps the reader to comprehend the conceptual framework more easily. The conceptual framework is relevant for the research questions, methods, and procedure.

Rights Protection
The participants’ rights were protected through the informed consent documentation, which means that they were aware of the procedures they were going to undertake and had no objections. The protocol for the experiment was approved by the research site and institutional review boards. The patients were prescribed CPAP and had no potential dangers and risks for their health. Moreover, through the discussion and the experiment results, participants increased their awareness about their diagnosis what is beneficial indeed.

Research Design
The researchers spent much time interviewing 15 participants before and after CPAP treatment discussing the OSA and participants’ experience. The data collection method was designed before the beginning of the procedure. A funnel approach to interviewing allowed the researchers to collect necessary information after the last step of the experiment was over.

Sample and Setting
The variables were appropriately chosen to base on the Veterans Affairs medical center’s recommendations. The study provided explicit sampling factors such as purposive sampling, an excellent method to select the participant based on the required criteria. The physiological characteristics of the participants were also appropriately described. Considering the sample size and the experimental character of the experiment, fifteen participants were an average amount.

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Data Collection
The interview method was appropriate due to the purpose of the study to find out the patients’ beliefs regarding CPAP usage. The nested case-control method of design was relevant to the research because it allowed analyzing only the cases under the interest. The procedure of the interview including questions was thoroughly planned. Considering the number of participants, the amount of collected data reflected the patients’ attitudes to the CPAP and their clinical experience. The interview approach was adequately stated, while the in-laboratory studies lack the information.

The description of the procedure, results, and participants was extensive. The researchers even considered the marital status of investigated participants. The research would be more reliable if more laboratory data were provided. The lack of quantitative data lowers the transferability and trustworthiness of the work. However, considering that this research is originally qualitative, this should not be regarded as a sufficient drawback.

Enhancement of Trustworthiness
Bias was minimized due to the appropriate training of the interviewer and the reflexivity notations, which excluded the possibility of behavioral distortions. There is no data on who was responsible for the laboratory examination. According to the text, trained professionals should have been computing the data (Deatrick et al., 2010). However, it would be rational to provide additional information about the laboratory experiment to avoid ambiguity. The researchers used well-presented reflexive notes and audio recording methods to enhance the integrity of the study.

Data Analysis
The sequential and qualitative directed content analyses were conducted on the coded material and suited the collected data type. The researchers designed the data analysis strategy in order to ensure compliance with the tradition of the other empirical studies of CPAP adherence. The procedure and specialists who developed the analysis methodology were adequately described. Even though the results were coded, the possibility of the bias cannot be entirely excluded because the researchers investigated the implicit connotations in the patients’ experience.

The findings representation was expanding and informative, providing a comprehensive picture of CPAP adherence and influencing social and personal factors. There was a significant number of excerpts from the interviews provided to support the conceptualized themes. The analysis of the findings was profound and presented the results respecting the previous research and participants’ rights.

Theoretical Integration
The conceptual framework was used during the analysis of the collected data. The psychological themes and behaviors were described with regard to the empirical data (Deatrick et al., 2010). Tables and figures supported the research procedure and findings conceptualization amply. The results representation was structured and logically presented with regards to the theoretical basis.

Interpretation of The Findings
On the one hand, the researchers touched upon the sociocultural factors, which could possibly influence the subjects’ adherence or non-adherence. On the other hand, the social influences of the particular communities were not addressed. The researchers mainly discussed the results in terms of family considerations. Social and cultural factors correlated with the working unities and other occupational activities were not explored. The authors addressed the elements of prior studies, such as the self-efficacy concepts, when interpreting the research results. The study’s authors discussed the possible limitation and emphasized the necessity to continue research.

Even though the research’s implications for clinical practice were provided, the collected data was primarily theoretical. The results cannot be used in clinical practice per se. For the data’s practical implementation, it requires suitable approach formation. However, gained knowledge will be helpful in additional theoretical research. The findings are reasonable and, considering the given research conditions, complete.

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General Issues
The study is presented laconically without unnecessary data or figures implications. The theory coincides with practice in all the sections of the work. The subsequent explanation of the concepts and results presentation using the tables, graphics, and examples is a positive aspect of this work. The description of the applied method, participants, and the research procedure is sufficient. The findings and interpretations are presented vividly, considering the study’s theoretical and practical implications and limitations.

Researcher Credibility
All the procedures were conducted according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force criteria, which is a reliable research factor. Also, the independent expert coder participation contributed to the confidence in the findings. However, the qualifications and clinical experience of the researcher are unknown. The influence of their experience on the research results can be estimated only in the current research limitations.

Summary Assessment
The study is trustworthy due to such factors as information coding and the presentation of the participants’ answers’ excerpts. However, it would be rational to add the whole list with the participants’ responses and provide the interview questions. By doing so, the research will improve the trustworthiness of the work. Thus, the study’s findings contribute to the nursing discipline development.

Deatrick, J., Kuna, S., Sawyer, A., & Weaver, T. (2010). Differences in perceptions of the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and continuous positive airway pressure therapy among adherers and nonadherers. Qualitative Health Research, 20(7), 837–892.